Named characters are vital for a healthy server. It helps the admin team during community events or emergencies. Named characters are required on Evolution.
You can name your character by doing one (or more) of the following methods:
Option 1 (Using Official Launcher)
In the main menu, click Rename (above Play and Change Server)
Enter your desired name, which should be kept PG
Click Apply
Option 2 (Using Official Launcher)
When launching DayZ, launch it through the option of Run DayZ
Click Parameters, located on the left side of the launcher
Under Profile Name, enter your desired name, which should be kept PG
Once finished typing, it will automatically save for the next time you play
Option 3 (Using Official Launcher)
Ensure DayZ is closed
Right click on DayZ in your Steam library and select Properties
Select Launch Options under General
Type in -name=YourName (Replace YourName with your desired name, which should be kept PG)
Close the Properties window
Option 1 (Using DZSA Launcher)
Select Settings (top right of launcher)
Under Ingame Name input your desired name, which should be kept PG
Close the Settings window